Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) in Tanzania is undertaking an endline evaluation of their Strategic Plan 2016 - 2020 with the aim of documenting results and drawing lessons learned for the formulation of the next Strategic Plan. NIRAS Tanzania is providing the team and Bente Consulting the team leader for the evaluation which takes place as a mixture of virtual and physical meetings and interviews. Internal stakeholders (FCS founding members, board and management), their grantees (currently approx. 130 smaller CSOs) and cluster leads (major, national NGOs), development partners (SDC, Sida and Danida), as well as relevant national and local government institutions are interviewed. Surveys with former grantees as well as all current grantees will be undertaken. The focus of the evaluation is on relevance, coherence and coordination, effectiveness and efficiency, as well as impact and sustainability. A special focus is on gender and social inclusion (youth, disability, minorities]. The FCS grants support initiatives in social accountability in different sectors (agriculture, education, health and water), social inclusion and fight against harmful practices, and women's land rights. Capacity building is a pivotal activity in strengthening civil society voice. The evaluation runs from February to June 2021.  


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