One country plays a special role in my experience and has conquered a corner of my heart – Mozambique. I have lived with my children in Mozambique from 1992-2004, and since 2004 visited the country 2-4 times a year. I have followed the development through civil war and Peace Agreement in 1992, the first multi-party elections in 1994 and the decentralization process and land reform. 

My network in Mozambique is wide and includes civil society, private sector and financing institutions, government institutions, academia, INGOs and donor agencies, as well as extensive contacts at provincial level. 

Following closely the socio-political-economic development for 20 years has provided a solid and in-depth knowledge of the country. This is useful not only in Mozambique, but very often as a mirror to other countries. 

Since 2007, I have undertaken the following consultancies in or related to Mozambique:

  • Input on methodology and approach and quality assurance to the team from COWI Mozambique for the joint annual evaluation (ACA) of the national HIV/AIDS response in Mozambique, 2013.
  • Baseline Study and elaboration of Monitoring Plan, Swedish Cooperative Centre, Niassa Province, 2012
  • Evaluation of FAPIM and SCORE-NRM projects and outline for formulation of a new women-focused civil society and natural resource management program, 2012
  • Quality assurance and input to winning proposal for DFID-financed Citizen’s Engagement Program, 2012
  • Training Needs Assessment of Ministry of Environmental Coordination (MICOA), 2012
  • Country study for evaluation of support to Civil Society engagement in Policy Dialogue, 2011-12
  • Support to revised design of monitoring and evaluation system for the DFID and IrishAid-funded civil society support mechanism (MASC) 2010-12
  • Analysis of support need for possible agri-business innovation incubators under the Danida-financed pan-African UniBRAIN program, 2011
  • Input to winning proposal for the implementation of the Danish support to Environmental Sector Programme, 2011
  • Preparation of Concept Note for the Danish Sector Programme Support to health and HIV/AIDS, 2011

Assignments undertaken prior to establishing Bente Consulting ApS:

  • Process consultant for the Danish Embassy on the preparation of the Sector Programme Support to health and HIV/AIDS, 2010
  • Formulation of the Danish Environmental Sector Support Programme, 2010
  • Review of Danish trade union programme, 2007, 2008 and 2010
  • Mid-term review of Swedish Cooperative Center’s civil society support programme (PASC) in Niassa province, 2009-10
  • Identification of a EU-financed Rural Development Sector Support Programme, 2009
  • Evaluation of Citizen’s Voice and Accountability, 2007-08
  • Elaboration of Terms of Reference for a Social Impact Study for Xipamanine market, 2007
  • Support to organizational development and internal merger process in AUSTRAL COWI Lda., 2007